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On the EGT value itself it might be difficult to find errors, BUT the wrong GROUNDED thermocouple sensor probe will cause erratic readings in all other engine parameters measured by the EngibOX (RPM, OIL P, OIL T, CHT).

Use a digital tester in "continuity test" mode (you can set it moving the rotor to the icon with the "speaker" symbol).

First test the digital tester itself:  Touch the red and black metallic points one with the other one and verify there is continuity (you will hear a "beep" sound).
Then test the thermocouple sensor probe with the Digital tester:
Place one contact of the digital tester on one of thermocouple wires (metallic part).
Place the other contact of the digital tester on the metallic part of the sensor probe that is in contact with engine.
If the digital tester detect that there is electrical continuity you hear the "beep" sound and you know that the thermocouple is grounded and not supported by the EngiBOX. If there is no electrical continuity you and you will not hear the "beep" sound you know that the thermocouple is ungrounded and supported by the EngiBOX.

 NO. EngiBOX supports only UNGROUNDED thermocouple sensor probes.

For the first generation EngiBOX model number UX0EMS00AM the following sensors are compatible:
4 x INPUT Thermocouple (type K)

- Exhaust Gas Temperature (EGT) (2 Stroke / 4 Stroke)
- Cylinder Head Temperature (CHT) (2 Stroke)
2 x INPUT Thermoresistance (PT-100)

- Air Temperature, Coolant Temperature (2 Stroke)
- Oil Temperature, Cylinder Head Temperature / Coolant
- Temperature (4 Stroke)
1 x INPUT Oil Pressure pick-up (4-20 mA Rotax 456-180 or equivalent)

Measuring range: 0.75 to 10.75 bar
Application: Oil Pressure (4 Stroke)
1 x RPM pick-up

Measuring range: 100 to 9990 rpm

1 x INPUT Manifold Pressure

Measuring range: 200 to 2500 hPa
For the second generation EngiBOX model number UX0EMS10AM the following sensors are compatible:
4 x INPUT Thermocouple (type K and J)
Type K Rotax P/N: 966370
Type J Rotaz P/N: NA
- Exhaust Gas Temperature (EGT) (2 Stroke / 4 Stroke)
- Cylinder Head Temperature (CHT) (2 Stroke)
2 x INPUT Thermoresistance (PT-100 and NTC)
NTC Rotax P/N:    965530 and 965531
PT-100 Rotax P/N: 966385
- Air Temperature, Coolant Temperature (2 Stroke)
- Oil Temperature, Cylinder Head Temperature / Coolant
- Temperature (4 Stroke)
1 x INPUT Oil Pressure pick-up (4-20 mA Rotax 456-180 or equivalent and VDO resistive 10 bar/150 psi)
Keller 4-20 mA Rotax P/N: 456180
VDO resistive Rotax P/N: 956357  /  956415
Measuring range: 0 to 10 bar / 0 to 150 psi
Application: Oil Pressure (4 Stroke)
1 x RPM pick-up

Measuring range: 0 to 9990 rpm
1 x INPUT Manifold Pressure

Measuring range: 0 to 70 inHG

Note: Thermocouple and Manifold pressure input can be used in parallel with other measurement
WARNING: Thermocouple, PT-100 and Oil pressure sensors must not be referred to GND or
negative external power.

Thermoresistance sensors (OIL T, CHT, CT and Air T) and OIL Pressure cannot be used in parallel with other measurement instruments
Power supply
Power the EngiBOX from an 10 to 35 Vdc supply. Mount on the power wire (RED) the 1A fuse holder, provided in the box, to protect against short circuits.
Serial Connection
The EngiBOX has serial RS232 connection ports to interface to an external device.
Note: current software 1.1.0R does not support serial in/out interface.
Wires safety
1. Press and hold the knob for 5 seconds, the Menu page will appear.
To go back to the main pages, press again for 5 seconds, or wait: the Menu page will be closed automatically after 10 seconds of inactivity.
2. Rotate the knob to select About item and press to confirm
3. In the about page you can read: the EngiBOX ID, Boot version, Loader version, Software version, Engine
type, Total lifetime of the engine and Time since last overhaul.

IMPORTANT: the EngiBOX ID is needed to register your EngiBOX through the EngiBOX APP, in order to download data and get customer support.

I connected the Geosat to the PC and launched Geosat Suite, Suite shows this message:

"Data on Navigator may be corrupted. Please follow these steps in order to restore the data integrity"

I follow the procedure but, as the Suite restars, always show the same message.


In this case you have to update the software manually (it means without using Geosat Suite).

As first step you have to download the " folder" using the link below


After downloading it on you PC, unzip the folder to obtain the unzipped "SWUpdate".

Then delete the zipped folder


Into the SWUpdate folder you will find other 2 folders:





Connect Geosat 6 to the PC and do not launch the Suite.


ATTENTION: Now it is required to find, the 2 disks "removible disk" and "local disk" of your Geosat 6.

As connected Geosat 6 to the PC, these 2 disks should appear on the "My Computer" section. Each one is identified by a letter, for istance:


Removible Disk (F):

Local Disk (G):


( for Mac OSX users: on Mac system you will not find removible disk and local disk, but, as connected Geosat 6 to the computer, on the Desktop of the Mac you will find 2 new disks, named NONAME and UNNAME )


The 2 disks have also a different content; removible disk can be recognized because it is the one that contains the following folders:







Local disk instead will contain the following files and folders:


MP4 (folder)

Languages (folder)

Geosat6Start.exe (file)

OS.ver (file)

Serialcode.dat (file)


Now it is possible to copy the files and folders to recover all the system.

Open the removible disk and in the same time open the "SD" folder previously downloaded.


Copy the content of the SD folder into the removible disk:

IMPORTANT: you do not have to copy the SD "folder" directly, but you have to:


- open the SD folder

- select all folders you can find inside

- copy and paste all these folders into the removible disk of the navigator


(For Mac OSX users: copy the content of the "SD" folder into the disk that already contains the folders: Geosat6, FONTS, Loquendo.. etc)


If the copy and paste have been done successfully, the computer should ask you to overwrite the existing folders, then it will be sufficient to confirm the overwriting of these

folders to complete the procedure.


Then open the NAND folder and copy the content into the local disk of the navigator (the other disk we described here above).


Follow the same identical operation and suggestions provided for the removible disk.


(For Mac OSX users: copy the content of the NAND folder into the disk that already contains the folders MP4, Languages, .. etc)


The last step of the procedure is the restart of the Operative System of the unit:



After the copying of the files as described above, remove safetly the unit from PC and disconnect the USB cable.

Start the unit and wait the main page loading. The main page of the Geosat is the blue page with the 2 main icons (Navigation and MultiMedia reader).

Then connect the Geosat 6 to the wall power cable.


Now use 2 pens or 2 pointed objects and follow this procedure:


- with one of the pointed object press and hold the button that is into the little hole near the SD slot card (it is on the low part of the unit, 

  it is the hole without lables or writtens) and DO NOT release it.

- with the other pointed object press (only one time) the button that is into the little hole with "reset" indication.


- Now the display of the unit should switch to a blue page with some percentage counters 0%-100%. If yes please RELEASE ALSO THE FIRST BUTTON and wait that the unit restarts automatically. If yes it means that also the Operative System have been correctly restarted and the unit should show again the main page (the one with the 2 main icons (Navigation and MultiMedia reader).


If you are in trouble with last procedure please download the video tutorial from this link:

(If after pressing the restart buttons you will receive an error message on the display of the unit, please write an email to [email protected] specifying the title

of this Faq, the error message you receive and communicate the MOD number of the unit itself. The MOD number is reported on the paper label of the unit itself and it is like

P1Mxxxxx. AvMap Technical Support operators will reply you providing the correct link to use for the downloading of the "" folder specific for your unit).


After this last procedure click on the Navigation icon and enter into the internal Navigation system to check if everything is ok:

Click on Menu - System Info - Software: you must have:


Software: 2.29.286R

OS: 1.3.73R


If yes it means that the update of the Software and of the Operative System have been concluded correctly.

AvMap Suite for EKP V is not compatible with Linux, but is compatible with Windows (minimum requirement Windows ME) and Mac OSX too (minimum requirement Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard 2009 )

It is possible to convert the data stored in the EKP / Geopilot to a gpx format and vice versa, in order to view them in Google Earth or other mapping software, using the GPX CONVERTER tool, that can be downloaded for free form the AvMap website.

1. Download The GPS Converter here!

2. Unzip the file and extract the exe file together with the instructions.


Conversion from USRIMG to GPX

1. Extract the memory card form the navigator and read it with a memory card reader

2. Copy from the memory card the USRIMG.BIN file and save it in your PC.

3. Run the Converter.exe then press the "USERIMG to GPX" button on the program console.

4. Select the USRIMG.BIN file to be converted ( previously saved on your PC), then select the destination folder in which the GPX files will be created.
In that folder will be saved GPX format copies of the user data stored in the USERIMG.BIN file.
NOTE : each user data will be stored in a different GPX file. In case an object in the USRIMG.BIN file stores more than one route, several GPX files will be created, each with one route.

Conversion from GPX to USRIMG

1. Run the Converter.exe thenPress "GPX to USERIMG" on the program console

2. Select the GPX file to be converted ( previously saved on your PC)

3. Select the empty USRIMG.BIN file present in the GPS Converter folder (the GPX file will be converted and inserted in this file)

4. Extract the memory card form the navigator and read it with a memory card reader and then Copy the newly modified USERIMG.BIN file in the main folder of the memory card.

In order to see the new data on the navigator, load them using File Manager function.
An empty USRIMG file is included, but also not empty files can be used as well. New data will be added to them until the maximum capacity will be reached.
NOTE : due to memory restraints the space available in the USRIMG.BIN file for user data is limited. No more than 1000 Waypoints, 5000 Track points and 100 legs routes can be saved from a single file and no more than 60 files can be stored in an USRIMG.BIN

The Farmnavigator Auto-steering System controls your vehicle steering, and helps you stay on track following with great precision the guide lines set on the Farmnavigator.

This way, you can switch from the "light bar" system to automatic driving, meaning you can focus on controlling the implements instead of worrying about the steering wheel, which improves the quality and effectiveness of the job. Such a system is very useful in scarce visibility conditions, in case of fog and dusty fields.

You can disengage the auto steering by firmly grasping the steering wheel; vice versa you can engage it very easily by tapping the corresponding icon on the Farmnavigator display.
The Farmnavigator Autosteering system supports all vehicle interface types: Mechanical, ISO/CAN,
Hydraulic and Factory steer ready. Custom install kits are available to simplify installation for over 750 models of agricultural machines.
The MDU mounts on existing steering wheel without requiring its removal thanks to the Patented universal ring gear. The MDU simply clamps on and off for fast and easy transfer across vehicles of different brands and types (tractors, sprayers, spreaders or combines).

There are two types of calibration procedures:

1. Horizon alignment calibration:
execute this calibration procedure to align the horizon line of the Ultra with the aircrafts straight & level flight attitude.

2. Compass calibration:
The purpose of this procedure is to compensate magnetic disturbances the Ultra is subject to, due to aircraft metal structures and electromagnetic components. These disturbances, if not compensated, could alter the heading value provided by the system. For this reason the magnetometer is disabled before the magnetometer calibration procedure is executed.
The procedure requires to point the aircraft nose in 4 directions (north, east, south and west
oriented to magnetic north). The total duration for this procedure is about 20 minutes.
The procedure is described in the user manual.

IMPORTANT: When the magnetometer of the Ultra is not enabled the Ultra uses GPS
source to show COG (course over ground) on the compass. To enable compass heading it
is necessary to calibrate the magnetometer. In case both GPS and magnetometer sources
are lost the compass becomes RED and is out of order.

Before you proceed with the compass calibration, make sure that the horizon
line of the Ultra is aligned with the aircrafts straight & level flight attitude (see paragraph 3.1)

The compass calibration procedure must be executed in an open field clean
of magnetic disturbances (we recommend at the compass rose of your airport).
Note: Most airports have a compass rose, which is a series of lines marked out on a ramp
or maintenance run up area where there is no magnetic interference. Lines, oriented to
magnetic north, are painted every 30° which is used to perform a compass calibration.

You can power the Ultra EFIS from an 10 to 35 Vdc supply.
Mount on the power wire (RED) the 1A fuse holder, provided in the box, to protect against short circuits.
Yes, the Ultra EFIS comes with an External GPS receiver.

Connect the external GPS receiveron the back side of the Ultra to the GPS port. The GPS receiver comes with a 1,5 meter cable and is designed for use inside the aircraft.

Note: an additional gps extension cable of 2 meter is available. The GPS receiver can be mounted to any convenient surface that has a clear view of the sky. It can be mounted on the aircraft’s dashboard using the included Velcro strip. The GPS receiver must have a clear view of the sky in order to receive satellite signals. GPS uses “line of sight” signals to locate and track satellites.
If the signals are obstructed by dense objects such as aluminum, steel or even heavy ice, the Ultra will not operate properly. Signals may also be blocked by heated wind screens (fibreglass, plexiglass and other plastics are normally transparent to GPS signals). If you find that the Ultra does not locate GPS FIX quickly or consistently, moving the location of the GPS receiver a few inches often provides a better view of the sky.
The Pitot and static ports on the back of the Ultra are equipped with 1/8” NPT female fittings. To connect the aircraft Pitot and static lines to the Ultra, you must use standard 1/8” NPT male fittings at the end of each of the lines. Installation along with other mechanical or digital altimeters and airspeed indicators is supported by mean of a T coupler (not included in the Ultra box).
Connect the Pitot line to the port labeled PITOT and the static line to the port labeled STATIC.

IMPORTANT: Use flexible plastic tubes and make sure the tubes fit tight on the NPT Pitot and static ports and can not get loose due to vibration.

IMPORTANT: We recommend to test the Pitot-static system for leakage after any alteration.

1. press and hold the knob for 5 seconds, the Menu page will appear.
To go back to the main pages, press again for 5 seconds, or wait: the Menu page will be closed automatically after 10 seconds of inactivity.

2. Rotate the knob to select SETTINGS and press to confirm

3. Rotate the knob to select BRIGHTNESS and press to confirm

4. Press the knob to open the brightness controller
• Rotate the knob to choose the desired display brightness
• Press the knob again to close the brightness controller

5. Rotate the knob to choose BACK and press to confirm and exit.

• 2 stroke Air cooled: Rotax 447 UL SCDI, Rotax 503 UL DCDI
• 2 Stroke Liquid cooled: Rotax 582 UL DCDI, Rotax 618 UL DCDI
• 4 Stroke Liquid cooled: Rotax 912 DCDI series, Rotax 912S DCDI series, Rotax 914 DCDI series

These engines types are already pre-configured in EngiBOX, so you just need to choose your model in the initialization procedure. The engine initialization procedure is necessary to pair EngiBOX to the connected engine

EngiBOX has several sensor input ports, which can be occupied variably according to the connected
engine type.
iFlightPlanner and AvMap officially announced the addition of compatible technology that will allow pilots the ability to quickly and easily export flight routes planned using the Flight Wizard™ to their AvMap GPS navigator.

Plan your route by using the web-based iFlightPlanner Flight Wizard™ and Click “Export to AvMap”.
2. Connect the EKP V to your computer and once the AvMap Suite loads, click “Explore Device”.
3. Click “Flight Plans”, then “Add” and select the iFlightPlanner flight plan file that was saved to your
hard drive.
4. Click “Import to EKP”.
5. Disconnect the EKP V and then select your desired flight plan from the device’s “Flight Plan” page.

Please visit create your iFlightPlanner Premium account. iFlightPlanner memberships start at just $9.95/month and include access to iFlightPlanner’s cloud-based flight planning technology, U.S.-based aeronautical charts and the newly released AvMap integration.

Download the iflightPlanner - AvMap Guide

The EKP V switches on automatically everytime the aircraft engine is started: this is the normal EKP V behaviour when you switch it off using the power button.

The Docking Station includes a protection circuit to protect the system form overfeeding. We suggest anyway to avoid high electric discharge , e.g. a voltage 10 times ahigher than the allowed 12-35V could damage the system hardware. To avoid this you may want to add a switch between the docking station and the aircraft electrical system.

This may be due to the fact that there is a new version of the AvMap Suite available, please check the upper bar on the Suite Home page, and make sure you have downloaded and installed the latest Suite version. 
An important update is the one introduced with Suite Version 1.3.41R (Windows) / 1.0.41R (MacOS)  released the 06/10/2013.

At the end of the procedure the maps will be correctly displayed  in the right column (purchases) of the Suite’s  Map management page, and they could be loaded on the navigator.

The map statuses can be 3:
-    Green: the map is u -to-date ( it is the latest released)
-    Red: the map is not up-to-date ( a new release is available)
-   Yellow: it is not possible to determine the validity of your map because the navigator has never been used. Please use the navigator first , getting a GPS fix position at a certain speed and then re-connect the EKP V to the PC.

Beside the status, you may see a green rosette meaning you have are guarantee for free the latest released map. In facts, when you buy a new AvMap navigator, you get the New Map Guarantee: that means you are guarantee for free the latest released map.

If a newer map is released by AvMap within 30 days from your first  use, the New map Guarantee allows you to download it for free using the Suite PC application.
You have 30 days from the first usage of your new AvMap navigator  (from the first acquisition of satellites at a certain speed)  to download  the Suite  and check if a new map is available for you for free! You can download only one free map for your navigator.
If the navigator has never been used it is impossible to determine the validity of the map, thus the yellow status map appears.

This may be due to the fact that there is a new version of the Geosat Suite available, please check the upper bar on the Suite Home page, and make sure you have downloaded and installed the latest Suite version. 
A important update is the one introduced with Suite Version 1.5.46R (Windows) / 1.0.41R (MacOS) released the 06/10/2013.

At the end of the procedure the maps will be correctly displayed  in the right column (purchases) of the Suite’s  Map management page, and they could be loaded on the navigator.

The map statuses can be 3:

-   Green: the map is u -to-date ( it is the latest released)
-   Red: the map is not up-to-date ( a new release is available)
-   Yellow: it is not possible to determine the validity of your map because the navigator has never been used. Please use the navigator first , getting a GPS fix position at a certain speed and then re-connect the Geoat to the PC.

Beside the status, you may see a green rosette meaning you have are guarantee for free the latest released map. In facts, when you buy a new AvMap navigator, you get the New Map Guarantee: that means you are guarantee for free the latest released map.

If a newer map is released by AvMap within 30 days from your first  use, the New map Guarantee allows you to download it for free using the Suite PC application.
You have 30 days from the first usage of your new AvMap navigator  (from the first acquisition of satellites at a certain speed)  to download  the Suite  and check if a new map is available for you for free! You can download only one free map for your navigator.
If the navigator has never been used it is impossible to determine the validity of the map, thus the yellow status map appears.

The Geosat 6 can be set in "power saving mode".
1. From the main menu touch Settings
2. Touch Device Preferences
3. Touch Power Save. Here you can set 4 different levels of Power Save:


Choosing OFF, the battery life will be shorter, while choosing maximum power save will extend the battery life thanks to several tricks to save power.
Here is how the device acts in different situations according to the power save mode:


- Status: OFF -  the device always stays on

- Staus: MINIMUM - the device shuts down after 2 hours of inactivity

- Status: MEDIUM or MAXIMUM -  if the device is left idle for 30 minutes, the display brightness is lowered, and then the device turns off after 2 hours of inactivity.



- Status: MEDIUM - if the device is left idle for more than 30 minutes (and brightness is set to over 30%), the display brightness will be automatically lowered to the 30% together with the backlit AvMap logo on the device frame.

- Status: MAXIMUM - after 30 minutes of inactivity, the device will turn off and the brightness of the LED AvMap will be lowered to 30% of luminosity

The cartography for AvMap aeronautical products includes information from several sources and data providers: NAVTEQ, Jeppesen, Seattle Avionics
Background and Land elevation
• Background: terrain depiction on the basis of the world altitude
• Land Elevation for TAWS
• Regional NAVTEQ data

Aeronautical Database
Updates every 28  days with Jeppesen Cycles (Subscribe now!)
• Jeppesen Data  Low Airways / Victor Airways included  Download the airspace legend
• Other sources Aeronautical data (Airfields private airports for all Europe and US, Vertical obstructions for USA,  VFR Reporting points)
- Avioportolano (Italy)
- Letist Database (Czech Republic and Slovakia) NEW from Cycle 1208 !

Street Maps
Updates three times a year
• Detailed terrestrial coverage with Street Network and POI NAVTEQ data

Airport Diagrams & Approach Plates
By Seattle Avionics

The APRS messaging feature is only active if Geosat 6 APRS is connected to a modem or transceiver that supports this feature;
connecting the Geosat 6 APRS to the Tiny Trak 4, you can send and receive text messages easily using the complete virtual keyboard on the touch screen of Geosat 6 APRS.
(This function is enabled only when the Geosat 6 APRS is connected to the Tiny Trak 4).
To connect Geosat 6 APRS to the Tiny Trak you must use our AvMap PC-Interface cable ( code CBDJNG0400 ) available in our Store.
Once Geosat 6 APRS is connected to the modem, the Messages menu will remain available even when the modem is no longer connected. In the Messages menu you can choose to send a message, read your messages, and check outgoing messages.
Sending messages:
• Go to Messages
• Tap New Message button and type the text using the virtual keyboard
• To enter special symbols, touch the symbols button and special symbols will open on the keyboard, to return to the normal keyboard touch the ABC
• To move to capital letters tap "A" key, tap  "a" key to return to the keyboard in lower case
VII. Send messages to contacts APRS
Once you have completed the message, tap Send
• Enter the recipients by touching the button RECIPIENTS and selecting recipients from the contacts list APRS
• Tap "Accept"
• Tap send message
Once the message has been sent, the software will return to the maps and the message will be saved in the sent messages.
Receiving Messages:
When you receive a message from a  APRS contact  a warning will appear on the screen, you can choose whether to read the message immediately or at a later time. In both cases, the message is saved in the inbox, and can be read at any time.
If you choose "Read Now", the message is displayed in order to avoid distractions touching the Read me button, to listen to the message read by the speech synthesis text-to-speech. In the APRS options menu you can choose whether to display the alert only for personal messages or for messages sent to "All". Tap the Options button in the APRS menu, then tap messages on the map to select the desired option.

1. Compile a flight plan on, save and Export.

2. Select AvMap format and Save the file to a known location on your PC.

3. Once you have obtained from RocketRoute the file in AvMap format (.GPX) you can import it in your Geopilot or EKP IV using the GPXconverter application. Download for free GPXConverter and extract the content of the .rar folder.

4. Extract from the navigator the memory card (SD or CF) and insert it into a memory card reader. If the Card does not contain any USERIMG.bin, then copy here the .bin file found in the folder you have just downloaded.

5. Execute the .exe file Click on the “GPX to USERIMG” button (This allows inserting the GPX file in the navigators’ personal data folder).

6. Select the flight plans from the list on your right and Click Import to EKP. The imported flight plans will be listed in the left column.

7. Select as destination the USERIMG.BIN file found in the memory card. The GPX file will be added to this USERIMG.BIN.

ATTENTION: the space available in the USERIMG.BIN file is limited. You can save in one file (route, track or flight plan) a maximum of 1000 Waypoints, 5000 track points and 100 flight plan legs, and you can save a maximum of 60 files in the USERIMG.BIN.

8. Close the GPXconverter, click on safe removal and extract the memory card from the reader.

9. Insert the memory card back in the navigator, and select Menu, Menu, Database, and then File Management to load the Flight Plans you have just imported.

> For more info

> Download the Procedure

1. Compile a flight plan on, save and Export.

2. Select AvMap format and Save the file to a known location on your PC.

3. Connect the EKP V to you PC and execute the AvMap Suite (it should start automatically when the device is recognized).

4. Click Explore Device. This window allows transferring personal data between the  EKP V and your PC. Select Flight Plan from the list on the right.

5. Click Add and then select in your PC the flight plan file exported from RocketRoute.

6. Select the flight plans from the list on your right and Click Import to EKP. The imported flight plans will be listed in the left column.

7. Disconnect the EKP V and wait for the software to start. Open the EKP V FP page to find the Flight Plans.

For more info

> Download the Procedure

In order to purchase a map update without loosing your CAMP function, you must download the update from the Geosat Suite  ( and not from the shop on line).

1.Connect the navigator to the PC and open Geosat Suite
2. Select Map Update, in the left column you can see the map preloaded on your navigator. The red light shows that it is not updated.
3. Click on Buy update.


This way you will buy a map update ( a new map file and a new  licence) keeping the CAMP  functions.
ATTENTION: Buying a new memory card on the shop online e.g. Europe maps,  you will buy a European map with basic license, which does NOT include the special CAMP software. Awlays use the Geosat Suite to update our Geosat 6 CAMP.


In order to purchase a map update without loosing your Regolarità function, you must download the update from the Geosat Suite  ( and not from the shop on line).

1.Connect the navigator to the PC and open Geosat Suite
2. Select Map Update, in the left column you can see the map preloaded on your navigator. The red light shows that it is not updated.
3. Click on Buy update.


This way you will buy a map update ( a new map file and a new  licence) keeping the Regolarità functions.
ATTENTION: Buying a new memory card on the shop online e.g. Europe maps,  you will buy a European map with basic license, which does NOT include the special Regolarità software. Awlays use the Geosat Suite to update our Geosat 6 Regolarità

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Los navegadores AvMap están garantizados 2 anos despues de la fecha de compra.


Como obtener Asistencia
para su producto AvMap:

1.   Registre su Navegador

2.   Lea la sección de preguntas frecuentes

3.  Si no encuentra la respuesta a su problema, entonces escríbanos rellenando el formulario de Assistencia en linea

4.   La asistencia al cliente le responderá proporcionandole las instrucciones y el número de teléfono de Call Center.

5.  Si el problema no se puede resolver por teléfono, usted recibirá por correo electrónico un código de reparación 'RMA' con todas las instrucciones para enviarnos su navegador para su reparación.