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Please download from this link the document that explains how to proceed with updates of software and maps manually, without Suite using (document is Italian and English language).
Scaricare da questo link il documento con le indicazioni dettagliate per procedere con gli aggiornamenti software e mappe manualmente, senza l'ausilio della Suite (il documento è sia in lingua italiana che inglese).

Software and Jeppesen updates can be download and installed even in case of Suite problems, just simply connecting the EKP to the PC with the USB PC Interface cable.
At the link here below  you can download a document with all detailed instructions to update Software and Jeppesen database.

In case of Jeppesen installing, the updated database shall be purchased before, you can do it here:

(just choose "Aeronautical Maps" - "select product" - "select format" - "download updates" - "Aero database")
ATTENTION:  Make sure to properly calibrate attitude before proceeding with Compass Calibration.
the magnetometer calibration data is invalidated after every attitude calibration procedure (full attitude calibration and horizon alignment).

The Compass Calibration procedure must be executed in-flight and requires to steer the aircraft in 4 directions and execute some pitch up/down maneuvers. The total duration for this procedure is about 4 minutes.

Press MENU > TOOLS > EFIS > Compass Calibration.
The screen switches to Primary Flight Display mode, where a flight director (a magenta frame) shows the maneuvers to perform. Follow the magenta frame until the procedure is finished.
Assuming that the calibration is started with the aircraft heading North, the steps required are:

1.  Maintaining heading 000° execute: pitch up + 20°, back to straight flight and then pitch down -20°

2. Turn left to heading 270° by performing a standard rate turn (the proper bank will be shown by the flight director). The target heading for each step is shown as a magenta reference inside the heading tape.

3. Execute pitch up/down maneuvers as described in step #1

4. Repeat steps #2 and #3 for headings 180° and 090°, until reaching again the original heading.

5. At the end of a successful calibration procedures the compass instruments is enabled (i.e. red cross removed) and the HSI instrument correctly shows AHRS as data source, meaning that magnetic compass data are now available to the EFIS system.

Note: it’s not required to start the procedure heading north. Any starting direction is acceptable.
Note: If the calibration fails or the compass indicator is not enabled, repeat the calibration procedure. If several calibration attempts fails review the installation location of the A2. Magnetic disturbance could be too high in the selected area.

The small and light weighted ADAHRS module easily fits into the aircraft as it can be installed in any orientation (a proper calibration procedure must be performed). It is suggested to install the A2 aligned with the aircraft longitudinal axis, as it simplifies the attitude calibration process.

The right position should be:
- Near the pitot and static lines
-  In a location clear of strong magnetic or electromagnetic disturbances as much as possible.
- Avoid installing the A2 ADAHRS near electronic equipment (other digital EFIS, radios, transponders, etc), AC or variable DC cables, alternators, electrical motors, ferrous materials, etc. In such cases the proper behavior of the compass is not guaranteed (i.e.
the compass may be crossed as “out of order” or may give erroneous indications).

Hint: Use a hand-held compass to verify the magnetic disturbance in the area selected for installation. If the needle shows relevant changes or unstable indication, the location is not suitable for installation. Make sure to perform this test with all on-board electronic devices switched ON.

Scenario A.

No calibration needed.

Scenario B.
A2 ADAHRS  is aligned with the aircraft longitudinal axis, is not aligned with straight & level flight attitude but pitch and roll offsets are present: a Horizon Alignment procedure is required.

Scenario C.
A2 ADAHRS is not aligned with aircraft longitudinal axis,
nor with straight & level flight attitude:
Full Attitude Calibration procedure is required.

Horizon Alignment
Press MENU > STRUMENTI > EFIS > Horizon Alignment.
1. Make sure the aircraft is in straight and level flight attitude
2. Press the joystick to record a sample of pitch and roll angles

Full Attitude Calibration
Press MENU > STRUMENTI > EFIS > Full Attitude Calibration.

1. Select if the maneuver will be pitch up or down. For tricycle aircraft the pitch up maneuver can be performed by pushing the tail (pitch up), while tail draggers will execute a pitch down maneuver by raising the tail.

2. Reset A2 ADAHRS calibration data; select Start. Wait until the reset phase is completed.

3. Set the aircraft in level and straight flight attitude by using jacks or blocks (or by asking a friend to push or lift the tail and hold). Press ENTER (joystick click) to record the sample in level & straight flight.

4. Set the aircraft in a pitch up (or down) attitude and press ENTER to record the pitch up/down sample. WARNING: be very careful not to change the aircraft heading while performing the pitch up /down maneuver.

5. Set values to A2 by pressing ENTER. Wait a few minutes for the sensor to stabilize and realign. If pitch and roll after a few minutes are still not aligned fine-tune pitch and roll offset by executing a Horizon Alignment procedure.
Make sure you connect the grey RPM signal cable (grey cable pickup coil ) from the engine to the EngiBOX RPM +/+ input. Leave the EngiBOX RPM -/- input free.

Additional info:

when the 2-stroke engine lighting coil is connected to a battery via a regulator/rectifier the gray RPM signal cable might give erratic RPM readings around mid-range power. Installing a 10k Ohm resistor inline between the gray RPM signal cable and the RPM +/+ input  on the EngiBOX will resolve this problem. (This resistor is not  included in in the ENGIBOX box). The grey RPM signal cable lead will not give a good tach reading when one of the two mags is turned off, as the signal on this wire comes from one of the mags.
Make sure you connect the grey RPM signal cable (grey cable pickup coil ) from the engine to the EngiBOX RPM +/+ input. Leave the EngiBOX RPM -/- input free.
When the 2-stroke engine lighting coil is connected to a battery via a regulator/rectifier the gray RPM signal cable might give erratic RPM readings around mid-range power.
Installing a 10k Ohm resistor inline between the gray RPM signal cable and the RPM +/+ input  on the EngiBOX will resolve this problem. (This resistor is not  included in in the ENGIBOX box). The gray RPM signal cable lead will not give a good tach reading when one of the two mags is turned off, as the signal on this wire comes from one of the mags.

There are 3 possible causes:

1. The thermocouple sensor connected to the EngiBOX is "grounded". The EngiBOX requires an "ungrounded" thermocouple sensor.

2. The thermpocouple sensor type selected on the EngiBOX is different from the thermocouple connected to the EngiBOX (example: Type K versus Type J)

3. Thermcouple +/+ and -/- wires are inverted when connected to  the EngiBOX. Check the sensor specification which wire is positieve and which wire is negative.

The Rotax 912 engines have a 5th trigger coil for the purposes of electrically monitoring rev counts. This trigger coil outputs to a two-wire harness (the two wires can either be white/yellow or blue/yellow). Independent from the colour, connect either of the two wires to EngiBOX RPM -/-  and connect the other wire to EngiBOX RPM +/+.
Quando si utilizza un sensore termoresistenza tipo NTC Rotax standard (un filo) per la temperatura dell'olio o la temperatura del liquido di raffreddamento (o sensore CHT), assicurarsi che la massa del motore e il terminale di alimentazione negativo dell'EngiBOX siano collegati elettricamente. Inoltre, per limitare i disturbi sui sensori, assicurarsi di avere un collegamento dedicato tra la massa del motore e il terminale di massa dell'EngiBOX.
Quando si utilizza una termoresistenza opzionale con sensore di tipo PT-100 (a due fili) per la temperatura dell'olio o la temperatura del liquido di raffreddamento (o sensore CHT), assicurarsi che entrambi i fili siano collegati correttamente all'EngiBOX. 
When an standard rotax NTC type (one wire) resistance thermometer sensor is used for OIL Temp or Coolant Temp or CHT  Sensor, make sure that the mass of the engine and the negative EngiBOX power terminal are electrically connected. Furthermore, in order to limit disturbance on the sensors make sure you have a dedicated connection between the mass of the engine and the EngiBOX ground terminal.

When an optional PT-100 type sensor (two wires) resistance thermometer is used for OIL Temp or Coolant Temp or CHT  Sensor, make sure that the both wires are connected correctly to the EngiBOX.
Yes it is possible.

You can download the procedure to edit a file containing your personal USER POI and import it into the Ultra Efis here:

Issue could be caused by some rust on the sensor, or the sensor itself is not aligned. Please try to clean and
re-align it. Please also verify if the pickup cable is not too much close to the other pickup cables and power cables. In this case outdistance it from them.

In case the problem is not fixed please try to apply a 220ohm or 330ohm (and at least 1/2 watt) resistor in parallel installed between RPM+ and RPM-

The issue is caused by the fluctuations of the GND in relation to the power. 
it is possible to fix the issue istalling a capacitor or 1000µF between the Power+  and the Power- (value shall be at least 25V) of the board.
Connect again the EKP to the PC and do not launch the Suite. So access to the internal disk of the EKP that contains folders:
Open EKP5 folder and check the content. Please see if the file "EKP5.exe" (or simply "EKP5" if you do not have enabled the files extensions indication on your computer) is present and with size DIFFERENT from zero. If the file is present and with size different from zero contact [email protected] specifying
"SD not present, EKP5.exe file is present and different from zero".
If the file is NOT present or it is present but with size EQUAL to zero it is possible that some application/antivirus on your PC erased the file, making it not working on EKP unit.
So proceed with these steps:
1. Disable temporary your antivirus
2. Follow the instructions reported in the doc available at this link: Recovery

REMEMBER to ENABLE again the antivirus after EKPV connection, do not navigate on browser or open unknown applications without having enabled  again it. Keep your PC safe.
As option you can add an exception rule to your antivirus with aim to set it to do not recognize the EKP as dangerous item.

AvMap is not responsible for any damage occurred on PC during a not safe usage.
It is possible that the problem depends on how the guidelines were recorded, particularly if so it deals with parallel lines and towed vehicles. The start of line recording (i.e. the moment you press to start recording) it must NOT be done with the vehicle stopped; this is because the saved point may not exactly match with the point where the truck is, and consequently the parallel line will be "oblique" with respect to the real drawn line.
To significantly reduce the error it is necessary to start the vehicle and keep it at a speed of about 7km/h and make sure that the medium itself is well aligned. Once this is verified, while driving press to start recording from the point A. Then press again when the key button is active again to complete the line registration.
Issue is caused by setting of Minimum speed, setted as 0 km/h, not optimal for this kind of antenna. Setting at 0,5 km/h shall fix the issue.
MacOS Sierra (10.12) and earlier is not able to mount the new Apple File System (APFS). Update Mac OSx on your computer and try again.
Il problema è legato alla versione MacOS Sierra (10.12) o precedente, che non è in grado di "montare" i nuovi file Apple File System (APFS). Aggiornare il sistema operativo del proprio Mac e provare di nuovo.

To use the EngiBOX RPM in parallel with another RPM instrument depends on the capacity of the other instrument. EngiBOX applies a 100 ohm load on RPM. Verify if the other RPM instrument is able to correctly measure RPM with a 100 ohm load applied between RPM input and instrument ground. This is equivalent to EngiBOX RPM usage in parallel with another RPM instrument.

If the other RPM instrument is NOT able to correctly measure RPM with a 100 ohm load (example; it stops working when you connect the EngiBOX in parallel) it is probably possible to "by-pass" the problem by applying a 100 ohm resistor in series between the engine RPM source and EngiBOX input (RPM +) and connect the other instrument directly to the RPM source (see image)

As the value of the resistance depends on many factors, it is possible that 100 ohm is not enough.

In that case it might be necessary to proceed step by step as described in the following steps:


0 - Start applying a 1K ohm resistor in series between RPM source and EngiBOX input (in this step the second RPM instrument must NOT be connected)

1 - Check the correct functioning of the Engibox: if EngiBOX is not working properly it is necessary to decrease the resistor value slowly.

2 – Once you found the value for which the EngiBOX starts to work properly, it is possible to connect the second instrument.

3 - If the second instrument also works correctly then the problem is solved, otherwise it is necessary to increase the resistor value and check restart again at point 2.

4 - Proceed in this way until the right resistance value is found for which both devices work properly.

As specified in the manual, EngiBOX applies a 100 ohm load on RPM. If the other instrument is not able to correctly measure the engine revs with a 100 ohm resistor applied between the RPM input and the instrument ground, then this instrument cannot be installed in parallel with Engibox.

However, it is possible to try to "by-pass" the problem by applying a series resistor between RPM source and engibox input (RPM +) (see image)


Then connect the other instrument directly to the RPM source.

The value of the resistance depends on many factors, so it is necessary to proceed step by step described in the following steps:

0 - Start applying a 1 Kohm resistor (in this step the second device must remain NOT connected)

1 - Check the correct functioning of the Engibox: if Engibox is not working properly it is necessary to decrease the resistance value.

2 - As found the value for which Engibox start to work properly, it is possible to connect the second instrument.

3 - If the second instrument also works correctly then the problem is solved, otherwise it is necessary to increase the resistance value and check starting again at point 2.

4 - Proceed in this way until the right resistance value is found for which both devices work properly.


is available the complete procedure to update the software and the Jeppesen (aeronautical database)
NO, sensor probes are not included in the EngiBOX package. 

EngiBOX is compatible with Rotax engines. The Rotax engine comes with sensors for OIL T, CHT, and OIL P readings. EngiBOX is compatible with these sensors that standard are delivered with the Rotax engine. Refer to the EngiBOX manual for the rotax sensor type and part number to check compatibility. As Rotax does not deliver standard sensor probes for EGT readings, AvMap offers separately AvMap EGT thermocouple sensors that are compatible with the EngiBOX.


AvMap EGT thermocouple sensor is ungrounded, type K and  screw in type version and includes a M8x1 weld boss for connection to the exhaust bend. The AvMap EGT thermocouple sensor is available for purchase at an authorized AvMap reseller or directly at the AvMap web shop at


The installation manual is available here: AvMap EGT Probe

EngiBOX requires to connect UNGROUDED thermocouple sensors, type K or J. How the thermocouple sensor gets connected to the engine exhaust bend is not relevant for the EngiBOX.

Although, referring to the Rotax installation manual for 912 and 914 engine series, AvMap suggest to follow Rotax instructions for connecting
  the thermocouple sensor using a screw-in type to be connected to the exhaust bend on  the connection thread M8x1.

Check if the connection thread M8x1 for attachment of the thermocouple sensor is already provided in the exhaust bend. Check FAQ “How can I install screw-in type thermocouple sensors on my Rotax Engine?” for more information on this subject.

AvMap EGT thermocouple sensor is ungrounded, type K and  screw in type version and includes a M8x1 weld boss for connection to the exhaust bend. The AvMap EGT thermocouple sensor is available for purchase at an authorized AvMap reseller or directly at the AvMap web shop at


The installation manual is available here: AvMap EGT Probe

AvMap suggests to use AvMap EGT thermocouple sensors or Rotax EGT thermocouple sensors (PN. 966370), both require a connection thread M8x1 on the exhaust bend and both sensors are ungrounded which is a requirement to be compatible with the EngiBOX.

Check if the connection thread M8x1 for attachment of the thermocouple sensor is already provided in the exhaust bend.

Case 1) Action Connection thread M8x1 is provided in the exhaust bends:

Connect the thermocouple sensor to the connection thread M8x1 of the desired exhaust bend by screwing it in and fasten it tight. 

Case 2) Connection thread M8x1 is NOT provided in the exhaust bends:

In this case you can order the AvMap EGT thermocouple sensor (M8x1 weld boss included)  from AvMap, or order the Rotax EGT thermocouple sensors (PN. 966370) + M8x1 weld boss (PN.842758) from a Rotax reseller.

Install the M8x1 weld boss on the exhaust bend. Consult the Rotax installation manual and the aircraft manufacturer that installed the engine on the aircraft for identifying the correct position on the exhaust bend for exhaust gas temperature readings. After identifying the correct position make a 12mm (0.47”) diameter hole in the exhaust bend and insert the M8x1 weld boss in the exhaust bend 12 mm (0.47”) diameter hole and attach the M8x1 weld boss to the exhaust bend by welding it. Connect the thermocouple sensor to the M8x1 weld boss by screwing it in and fasten it tight


AvMap EGT thermocouple sensor is ungrounded, type K and  screw in type version and includes a M8x1 weld boss for connection to the exhaust bend. The AvMap EGT thermocouple sensor is available for purchase at an authorized AvMap reseller or directly at the AvMap web shop at


The installation manual is available here: AvMap EGT Probe
On 912 Rotax series the manufacturer of the exhaust system must attach or provide the connection M8x1 for the
installation of the metalsheated thermocouples (part number 966370) in the exhaust bends.
In this case you can order the AvMap EGT thermocouples we have available in our shop (Aeronautical accessories), due they already have the threaded ports / M8x1 connection
Installation manual is available here: AvMap EGT Probe
To view both results simply:

1. Type ICAO code
2. At the end the ICAO code will be highlighted completely and will shown the first result
3. Rotate the knob to view the 2nd result 
4. Press the knob to confirm
Es. User needs to select airport RBT - Rambouillette. To the same ICAO code two airports are related, RABAT and RAMBOUILLETTE.
After typing the RBT code display show the first result, RABAT.
User rotates the knob to view the 2nd result (RAMBOUILLETTE) 
User press the knob to confirm

Download the support image here:
Latest Software version for the EngiBOX is v.1.1.0R. You can check on the ABOUT page the software version that is loaded on your device. 
If the software is older than 1.1.0R you can contact [email protected] in order to receive instructions for updating your device. Communicate your EngiBOX model number, serial number and current software loaded on the device.

First check if a compatible oil pressure sender is connected to the EngiBOX.

The first generation EngiBOX (model number UX0EMS00AM) is compatible with the oil pressure sender Keller 4-20 mA (Rotax P/N: 456180), which has a measuring range from 0 to 10 bar (0 - 150 psi).

The second generation EngiBOX (model number UX0EMS10AM) is compatible with oil pressure sender Keller 4-20 mA (Rotax P/N 456180) and resistive VDO sensor (Rotax P/N 956357 /  956415 ) or equivalent, both with measuring range from 0 to 10 bar (0 - 150 psi).


After wiring the  oil pressure sender to the EngiBOX, for the second generation EngiBOX (model number UX0EMS10AM) it is important to set the OIL P switch (on the rear side of the EngiBOX) to “ON” (position “2”) if you connected the Keller sender, or set the OIL P switch to “OFF” (position “1”) if you connected the resistive VDO sender. (see also page 10 of the User and Installation Manual).

Note: The OIL P switch is not present on the first generation EngiBOX as this model is only compatible with the Keller type sender.


After installation the correct sensor type needs to be selected during initialization setup.  It is possible to change the sensor type in the EngiBOX sensor menu. Check in the sensor menu if the correct  type of sender has been selected for oil pressure ( Keller 4-20mA or VDO ).

Unstable readings can be caused by a false contact of the sensor wire on the EngiBOX.

It is important to use the wire lock system to tighten all wires together that are connected to the EngiBOX (see figure 7 at page 11 of the User and Installation Manual). The wire lock system ensures that wires will not lose connection with the EngiBOX due to vibration in flight.

To see if the sensor wire is well connected  to the EngiBOX try to pull out the wire on the Engibox side, if the wire stays connected it means that it is well connected.

IMPORTANT: The oil pressure sender cannot be used in parallel with another instrument. Connect the oil pressure sender only to the EngiBOX.

IMPORTANT: Using non-compatible sensors  on the other parameter  inputs (OIL T, CHT or Coolant, EGT)  can cause false or erratic readings for the oil pressure. Make sure you connect compatible sensors on the EngiBOX as specified in the User and Installation Manual

For OIL T and CHT or Coolant use the correct resistance thermometer

For EGT use the correct thermocouple type K (ungrounded).

(To check the compatibility of the sensors please visit the FAQ: "Which sensors are compatible with Engibox?")

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para su producto AvMap:

1.   Registre su Navegador

2.   Lea la sección de preguntas frecuentes

3.  Si no encuentra la respuesta a su problema, entonces escríbanos rellenando el formulario de Assistencia en linea

4.   La asistencia al cliente le responderá proporcionandole las instrucciones y el número de teléfono de Call Center.

5.  Si el problema no se puede resolver por teléfono, usted recibirá por correo electrónico un código de reparación 'RMA' con todas las instrucciones para enviarnos su navegador para su reparación.