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Press and hold the Speaker key for three seconds.

They could be removed or, more likely, they were moved in another menu. Another cause could be that you performed the wrong update , updating only software and not the Operative System Restart.


It is not possible to use in your motorbike the AvMap products. Mainly for two reasons: 1. they are not waterproof, 2. they are not equipped with audio output or wireless connection for auriculars.

When you plan a flight you can set the a VFR reporting point as a mark and save it as user waypoint. More easily you can add a VFR reporting point directly to the map (as for all the others POI). This procedure implies an automatic marking of the VFR reporting point. Example:

  • Press twice the MENU key, select FLIGHT PLAN and press ENTER.
  • Press once the MENU key, select VIEWED FP and press ENTER.
  • From the FLIGHT PLAN MENU select FP EMPTY and press ENTER.
  • Go back to the map and set the cursor on the departure airport icon.
  • Press ENTER, select ADD FP LEG and press ENTER.
  • Move the cursor on any place on the display where you want to fly over (like a VFR reportin point) and press ENTER.
  • Select ADD FP LEG and press ENTER to confirm (please note the automatic marking of the name to the waypoint).

To display the TAWS you need to set your unit. In Map mode, press once the MENU key, select once the MENU key, select TERRAINS and press ENTER to confirm. A menu is displayed: select TAWS and confirm pressing ENTER. After this operation the TAWS is not visible yet on the map. It is necessary to activate your own position (fix): this is possible connecting the GPS antenna to the AvMap EKP IV. Otherwise you can set the unit in Simulation mode: press twice the MENU key and select Simulator from the Main Menu. Press ENTER to enter the menu and set ON in Simulation. Once you set it, the TAWS are displayed at any scale.
Important Note, suitable as well for the users who carry on the Low Airways update: we want to underline that even if the TAW squares might appear anaesthetically, AvMap prefers to conform to what the TAWS proposes: to represent a set of rules for the security. Following this aim, thats why the Low Airways are reported on the map of your AvMap EKP IV in cyan and purple colour: we firmly believe they are the only two colours that can be perfectly displayed on the red, green or yellow squares of the TAWS.

This error may be caused by the fact that the trace files often contain inside track points.
Geosat Suite accepts files .gpx that contain ONLY TRACKS (so only the path) or ONLY contact  (Points / waypoints)
To split the file type you can do this;
- Open the file (kmz, kml, gpx or gdb) with Google Earth
- On the left menu, expand the file displaying the components
   (Eg TRACKS = Points + PATH)
- Eliminate Points
- Rename the PATH by entering the name of the track
- Save the resulting file format .KML (Save as)
- Convert the file to GPX using GPS Babel (and let selected
   "tracks") to obtain for  example TRACKS.gpx
- Reload the original file with Google Earth and do the same with the POINTS ( delete your PATH and leave the waypoints)
- Save the resulting file format. KML (Save as)
- Convert the file to GPX using GPS Babel (let selected
   "tracks") to obtain for example WAYPOINTS.gpx
- The two files and WAYPOINTS.gpx TRACKS.gpx can now be transferred into the Geosat Through, with no error messages.

EKPV is compatible with Zaon devices for viewing air traffic.
In order to start the reception, connect the device to EKPV and activate it from the Accessories menu, choosing Traffic. You can also set up a reception range up to 6 Nm

enter the System Setup and on the Interface page select 4800 bps as Baud Rate at GPS Internal Driver.

If your AvMap Geosat doesn’t work properly, please contact the AvMap Technical Support team by e-mail on [email protected] .

Firstly you will be helped to solve your problem remotely by following standard technical support procedure. If this attempt is not successful, you will receive a Return Machine Authorization (RMA) in order to send the unit (or its components) to our offices and get your device repaired.

Verify your registration ( your data and the details of your navigator ), if you are not registered yet please insert your datas on - Support - Registration. This procedure is mandatory to ship the device in assistance if you will need.

In order to display the TAWS on your AvMap EKP IV you need:
a)To update the software version of your unit to the release 1.10.044R
b)To purchase the Jeppesen update including the Land Elevation data
Since the Land Elevation file is of a big size one if you havent updated your unit yet with this data, you need to send your Compact Flash back to the AvMap Technical Supporting Centre. You will pay the aeronautical data update only since the Land Elevation is loaded free of charge.
If your AvMap EKP IV is already updated with the Land Elevation data you do not need to send us back the Compact Flash. You just need to ask for the software and the new Jeppesen updated files. Next times the Jeppesen update could be received by e-mail including a complete procedure. We remember you that in order to carry on the upgrades you need a memory card reader.
For method of payment and shipment conditions please contact us at [email protected]

The Airline Airway, Control Airway and Direct Route Airway are showed from 5 Nm. This is the default setting. It is also possible to select them in scale 50 Nm, 20 Nm, 10 Nm. The Official Designated Airway and RNAV Airway have been set from scale 50 Nm.

Yes, it’s possible;  press Field View to open the Field and press the red icon ( white cross in a red circle ) to clear all the guiding lines.
To clear the worked area select the filed – Show Info – Options – Clear Worked Area.

 Update the software in the SD downloading one of the files here :

Geopilot 2 :

Geopilot2 Plus :

and unzip it in the main folder of the SD overwriting the existing files. Then download from this link :

and unzip it in the main folder of the SD.

It means that the Dead Reckoning function is active. This function enables the unit to calculate your position even if the GPS signal is not received (i.e. under tunnels).

Enter the COMUNICATION menu (pressing twice the MENU key from the Map mode), select the SELECT NMEA MESSAGES item: it gives you the possibility to choose which NMEA strings get from your GPS when the NMEA output is set on ON. The default values are: RMB, GGA.

You need to perform a simple software procedure called “RAM Clear.” With the unit OFF, hold down the "+" key and turn the unit on. Keep the key depressed and the SYSTEM MENU will appear. There will be a menu selection titled “RAM Clear.” Highlight this option and press ENTER.

When you update the software or transfer a map to your Geosat2C or to a 256 MB Compact Flash card, you should not power your AvMap Geosat to any adaptor. Once connected to a PC your unit is powered through the USB cable. Please make sure that displayis turned off.

The Airline Airway, Control Airway and Direct Route Airway are showed from 5 Nm. This is the default setting. It is also possible to select them in scale 50 Nm, 20 Nm, 10 Nm. The Official Designated Airway and RNAV Airway have been set from scale 50 Nm.

You can insert your georeferenced IGM personal maps into your Geosat 6 4x4 Crossover using our free tool
Map Converter.
Youcan download it from - Support - Downloads - ( Select product )
Follow all the instructions from this link
or downloading the user manual ( you can find it on the Tool window, clicking on the " I " letter )

To export correctly a field , select it is not sufficient, you ned to select it and OPEN it before.
So access to Fields – select the field you want to export – Open it.
Click confirm “yes”, select Menu again - Fields – select the field you want to export - Show Info -Export

Exchange is not allowed. If you bought your AvMap Geopilot series II in the USA and you are interested in the European one, you must buy an extra Secure Digital loaded with European detailed terrestrial data plus Jeppesen database (Europe+Africa aeronautical data). For more information please contact [email protected].

The flight plan leg is coloured in black and appears on the map with a little arrow. The Low Airways is coloured in black leg and appears a little bit thicker.

Press the MENU key twice, select ABOUT and press the ENTER key. The About window is displayed. The software version is displayedin the first line as v x.x.xx.

The red cross appears when the navigator can't calculate the fix. Is a caution measure.
Press MENU and then VOLUME on the screen.
AvMap Geosat products absorb 600 mA.

If you have an AvMap EKP IV and you want take advantage of the additional functions of the AvMap EKP IV PRO, you can turn your model into a PRO version purchasing the EKP IV Upgrade Kit.
The additional functions are:
a)Functions for the automatic creation of Search and Rescue flight pattern.
b)Customized Regional Coverage Area
c)Place and Street Research
d)Connection to the radio localization system Telefix and/or Kenwood APRS
The upgrade kit to the PRO version is made up of a label to be sticked on the back of the unit (the label reports an identification number) and a 512 MB Compact Flash.
For method of payment and shipment conditions please contact us at [email protected]

You must set it in System Setup, Alarms. The beeper works only when reaching the Marks with the Danger icon (the last one on the right in the Edit Mark page)

AvMap Geosat2serial number is written in a silver label on the unitbox or on the back of your product. It is a code made up of 7 numbers, like the following one: 503 4978.

Press and hold the FIND key for three seconds. The Brightness and Contrast Menu is displayed. Move the cursor key to the right or to the left in order to change the parameters.

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Los navegadores AvMap están garantizados 2 anos despues de la fecha de compra.


Como obtener Asistencia
para su producto AvMap:

1.   Registre su Navegador

2.   Lea la sección de preguntas frecuentes

3.  Si no encuentra la respuesta a su problema, entonces escríbanos rellenando el formulario de Assistencia en linea

4.   La asistencia al cliente le responderá proporcionandole las instrucciones y el número de teléfono de Call Center.

5.  Si el problema no se puede resolver por teléfono, usted recibirá por correo electrónico un código de reparación 'RMA' con todas las instrucciones para enviarnos su navegador para su reparación.