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In order to avoid your marks and tracks during a software update or a ram clear, you need to save them in FILE MANAGER. Press twice the MENU key, select FILE MANAGER and press the ENT key. Then press the ENT key again. The File Save To Disk window is displayed. Once you have edited the name and the type fields select OK and press the ENT key to confirm. A Warning message is displayed. Select OK and press the ENT key to save your marks or tracks.
To restore the mark rescued, enter FILE MANAGER press once the MENU key and select LOAD.  A Warning message is displayed. Select OK and press the ENT key to restore your marks on the map.

In order to avoid your marks and tracks during a software update or a ram clear, you need to save them in FILE MANAGER. Press twice the MENU key, select FILE MANAGER and press the ‘+’ key. Then press the ‘+’ key again. The File Save To Disk window is displayed. Once you have edited the name and the type fields, select OK and press the ‘+’ key to confirm. A Warning message is displayed. Select OK and press the ‘+’ key to save your marks or tracks.
To restore the mark rescued, enter FILE MANAGER press once the MENU key and select LOAD.  A Warning message is displayed. Select OK and press the ‘+’ key to restore your marks on the map.

Exchange is not allowed. If you bought your AvMap EKP IV in the USA and you are interested in the European one, you must buy an extra Compact Flash loaded with European detailed terrestrial data plus Jeppesen database (Europe+Africa aeronautical data). For more information please contact [email protected].

To start Geosend you need: a PC with Microsoft Windows ME, 2000, Xp or 2003 server. 486 DX2 or faster processor. 64 MB hard disk free space. DVD drive. Mouse device. 256 colour capable display card adapter. USB port.

- Start your PC
- Insert Geosend into the DVD drive. Do not connect Geosend.
- Start Geosend setup, follow the instructions and wait until the setup is completed
- Connect your Geosat to the PC using the USB cable; do not connect to power supply. During this operation Geosat display must be turned off. The unit is supplied through the USB cable.
- Be sure to have the Geosat drivers installed properly on you PC. With the DVD into the drive, start Geosend. On your desktop you will see all the European coverage. You can choose a chart clicking on the corresponding area on the map with the right button of the mouse. Then select the Transfer button on the left of your screen.
- Once pressed the Transfer button you enter to the transfer page where you can also choose your language among the several ones. Then click on the Transfer to Geosat2 button.
- Once the download to your unit is completed, close Geosend and switch off the USB cable.

In the Map+data mode page press the MENU key twice, select Setup data boxes, then press the ENT key. Select the box you want to replace with the Altitude one and press the ENT key. In the Data box fields select Navig:Altitude, then press the ENT key. To quit press the ESC key twice.

HDOP means Horizontal Dilution Of Position. It is a measure of the GPS receiver/satellite geometry. The lower the HDOP, the higher the corresponding accuracy.

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Los navegadores AvMap están garantizados 2 anos despues de la fecha de compra.


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para su producto AvMap:

1.   Registre su Navegador

2.   Lea la sección de preguntas frecuentes

3.  Si no encuentra la respuesta a su problema, entonces escríbanos rellenando el formulario de Assistencia en linea

4.   La asistencia al cliente le responderá proporcionandole las instrucciones y el número de teléfono de Call Center.

5.  Si el problema no se puede resolver por teléfono, usted recibirá por correo electrónico un código de reparación 'RMA' con todas las instrucciones para enviarnos su navegador para su reparación.