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You can enrich your maps adding extra POIs such as speed cameras downloaded from the internet in .ov2 format.

How to download the files:

Geosat is compatible with POI in OV2 format. These POi are distributed by several websites such as  WWW.ADIVOR.IT Once you have downloaded the files, please check inside the folder that for each file there is also a corresponding image file  (eg. speedtraps.ov2 and speedtraps.bmp )

Then use the GSUpdate in order to load them on your Geosat:

1. If you have not installed the GSUpdate yet, Read the procedure to download GSUpdate

2. Connect the navigator to the PC and start GSUpdate.

3. Select "Transfer" to load the POI files in the navigator4. Browse the PC to select the downloaded database.5. Associate the database to a safety camera category and icon (fixed speed cameras, mobile, traffic lights, special).The files will be loaded on the navigator and converted into the AvMap format. Once the procedure is completed close the application and disconnect.

Activate the POI on the Geosat:

1. Press the MENU button twice, select System setup and press the + button to confirm.

2. Select the POI tab, and choose which POI categories are displayed on the map.

3. To include or remove a category, select it with the JOYSTICK and press the + button to confirm.

Set an alarm:

1. Press the MENU button twice, select System setup and press the + button to confirm.

2. Select the Alarms tab, then select  Safety Camera alarm  to activate the alarm for the proximity of a safety camera.

3. The Alarm radius determines the distance at which the alarm is activated. To modify the radius, select the field to be

modified and move the JOYSTICK either up or down, then confirm by pressing the + button.



You can enrich your maps adding extra POIs such as speed cameras downloaded from the internet in .ov2 format.


How to download the files:


Geosat is compatible with POI in OV2 format. These POi are distributed by several websites such as  WWW.ADIVOR.IT

Once you have downloaded the files, please check inside the folder that for each file there is also a corresponding image file  (eg. speedtraps.ov2 and speedtraps.bmp )


Then use the GSUpdate in order to load them on your Geosat:


1. If you have not installed the GSUpdate yet,

Read the procedure

2. Connect the navigator to the PC and start GSUpdate.


3. Select "POI Management" to load the POI files in the navigator


4. Once the procedure is completed close the application and disconnect.




Activate the POI on the Geosat:


Open the Menu - Settings - Maps icon - Page 2 User POI, to activate them.


Set an alarm:


Open User preferences - alarms and set the contact alarm ON,  set the distance then in the third page 3/3, select All the POI.


You can buy a new  AvMap SD card peloaded with new software and maps, directly on our Shop Online: choose your navigator and click on  'Buy new memory card' , then choose the desired area / special map. The new memory card will be delivered to you. Please specify in the order if you have an APRS version.

Read Also:



The Geopilot II PLUS has a built in battery, a serial port for autopilot use and a Audio/Video input. Geopilots II PLUS are also sold with an additional SD with terrestrial data.

It is possible to combine the Geosat 6 Farmnavigator to the external receiver that you prefer.
Farmnavigator G6 has an integrated GPS receiver, which could be use for normal road navigation. For precision agriculture operations you can choose different  external receivers compatible. 
G6 Farmnavigator  is compatible with any GPS external receiver that comunicates in NMEA strings 0183 via DB connection (see image for Pin-out diagram). The receivers must be set  to open  the strings GGA, RMC, VTG, GSA, GSV, ZDA GPS
If in "4x4 Functions" menu - "4x4 Settings" - "Raster Charts" I setted "OFF", when  click on MAP, I
can see the Raster Charts NOT ACTIVE, and this behaviour is correct; but if I click
"Road Navigation" - and then "MAP" , the Raster Charts is still active , why ?
Accessing again to the standard Road Navigation, Geosat recover its start-settings, and in the case of 
Geosat 4x4 Crossover the start-setting is Raster Chart ACTIVE.
In this case you can deactivate it:
- Menu - Settings - Map Preferences - Sat Images "OFF"
In this way, in Raod Navigation mode, the Raster Charts remains ALWAYS NOT ACTIVE.

The AvMap navigation software only works with AvMap original memory cards. AvMap Memory cards cannot be duplicated or modified, if your memory card is damaged, please contact AvMap technical support.

At the end of the power cable, where the 12v adapter is, you will find a small fuse. If it is blown, please replace it with one of the same amperage.

Please verify that the serial number has made by 3 numbers + 1 letter + 4 / 5 numbers.

If your serial number is made by numbers only, please add a "T" letter after the first 3 numbers

E.g. you have 20201011 , you have to write on Geosat Suite window 202T01011


You need to perform a simple software procedure called “RAM Clear.” 

Please save all your user datas ( waypoints - tracks - FP ) into Database - file Manager to avoid to loose them.

Then, turn off the device and turn on  it holding Power + Menu button and keep pressed until System Test page appears.

Then select - Ram Menu - Ram Clear.

Press enter to confirm and turn off the device.

Turn on it again normally.


To check your Jeppesen information is sufficient to turn on your Geopilot/EKP and access to the map view.
Press Menu and Menu again, then select "About" and press ENTER ( or zoom in ) to access. In that page you will find the Jeppesen Cycle Information.
Search for the last information "AERONAUTICAL DATA", you will find a code like:
X-YZ-Nxxx.yy ( dd/mm/yy )
Note: the two last numbers can be related to the cycle number
.27 = 1108 cycle
.28 = 1109 cycle
.29 = 1110 cycle
.30 = 1111 cycle
.31 = 1112 cycle
To check your loader version is sufficient to turn on your Geopilot/EKP and access to the map view.
Press Menu and Menu again, then select "About" and press ENTER ( or zoom in ) to access.
In that page you will find the LOADER information, with a lable like that: 
LOADER:  V X.YZ ( dd/mm/yy ) 


You can do copies of your fields with the help of your PC.

Step 1)
Work in a filed and close it. Go to Fields Menu , select the field and OPEN it. So return in Fields Menu, select the same field and press SHOW INFO – OPTIONS – EXPORT
Wait for the confirm message.

Export the field you want to copy:

Step 2)
So, DISCONNECT THE POWER CABLE, keep the Geosat in “on” position and connect it  with USB cable to the PC.

You will be able to access to two different Geosat disks, Removible Disk and Local Disk.
Access to the Removible disk and into the Fields folder you will be able to view KMZ files ( files created after the export operations )

Copy and paste on your PC the .kmz file related to the work you want to copy, rename it  and CREATE copies of that file:

Example: 2010-xx-yy.kmz    rename as  Perimeter1.kmz
Create copies

Perimeter1_02 .kmz  …

Step 3) Verify if into the Fields Folder there is a sub Folder named IMPORT. If there isn’t that folder create it one.

Copy and paste all the kmz copies into the IMPORT folder and disconnect Geosat from the PC.
Turn on it, access to the FarmNavigation Menu and select IMPORT FIELDS – select one of them and click “import”

You will find the exported field into the FIELDS Menu.

Each waypoint added has been stored on the last position of the list. To change the order of the waypoints, it is sufficientto select the waypoint that you want to move and use the side arrows.

 You can delete a selected waypoint with the “Delete” button or the complete RoadBook pressing the “Delete All” button.

“Full Info” button allow you to view the informations of the selected point: latitude, longitude, distance, bearing from the previous waypoint, informations useful to choose into the list  the next waypoint to reach with a route.

You can create one Road Book at  time ( not more than one in the same time ), and it can be done by at maximum by 20 waypoints.

Access to the 4x4 Functions Menu and choose Road Book.

Click on “Add New” : in this way way you will open the waypoints folder ( you can edit a RoadBook using only the waypoints you have stored into MARK or WAYPOINTS folder )

You have to insert one point at time, clicking on “Add New” , choosing the point into one of the two folders specified before.

When the list is complete, select the point to which you want to set a route, then click on “GO”.

When the GPS fix position is valid ( you can see the car icon on the map ), you will see the line that connect your position to the selected point and all the segments that unify all the points inserted before respecting the waypoints inserting order.

When you will reach the point, click on “STOP” to stop the navigation and set as destination the next point.

The EKP-IV exports NMEA data (NMEA0183) and any autopilot that can receive NMEA data will communicate with the EKP-IV. We recommend consulting with your autopilot manufacturer to verify that the device accepts NMEA0183 data. A serial cable that will connect to the serial port on your EKP-IV (which has a DB9 connector that can be connected to your autopilot) is also available.

Ask your dealer for the PCAS XRX interface cable (code CBDJMG0400).
To save waypoints and flight plans when upgrading the database, you will need to save the points to the Card: Menu > Menu > Database > Enter> Menu > Initialize > Enter > Zoom-In > Enter > Select Type > Enter (Repeat Zoom-In To Save Additional Information If Needed). This information is stored in the “userimg.bin” file located on the Card. If you are upgrading your database with a new Card, simply copy the “userimg.bin” file from the original card to your computer hard drive. Insert the new Card into the card reader and delete the “userimg.bin” file located on that Card, replace it with the “userimg.bin” file you saved to your computer.
With the unit OFF, hold down the MENU key and turn the unit on. Keep the MENU key depressed and the SYSTEM MENU will appear. Select MASTER RESET.
The system software of the EKP-IV must be v1.07.23R or higher in order to have Terrain Depiction work in Track-Up mode.
It is fully compatible, but in order to have an optimized image the iPod must be set in NTSC. it also support widescreen mode.

It is very important to keep your AvMap Geosat maps up-to-date. The cartographic updates are available from year to year. AvMap employs much energy in processing TeleAtlas terrestrial data into C-Map format. TeleAtlas is a leadeing company among the World wide land/road maps data suppliers. It adopts a modern and innovative methods in the survey of the millions units of terrestrial data all around Europe. Hundred of employees collect this data, moving and registering all the changes that take place in the streets network. Moreover, in order to correct the cartographic errors or gaps, AvMap co-operate with TeleAtlas thanks to users reports. Firstly the reported error is verified and then TeleAtlas includes the correction in a new cartographic release. AvMap will use this update in order to process new updated maps.

The back lighting lampis out of order.You need to send your unit back to us for service maintenance. Please contact the AvMap Technical Supporton [email protected]

This might be caused by using non-compatible sensors, a false contact by one of the sensor wires or an issue on the grouding.
Check step by step the following possible rootcauses:
- Check if you have connected compatible sensors. See the EngiBOX manual and FAQ for compatible sensors.
- Check power connections and make sure you have a direct power connection between the mass of the engine and the EngiBOX power terminal. 
- Disconnect all sensors and re-connect each sensor individually each at the time and check if each sensor is creating erratic values. Step by step add 1 sensor to assure if one of the sensor wires is loose and makes a false contact.
- Check if the issue might have a relation with the problem and solution reported in FAQ "With high values of RPM (or RPM not yet stable) the OIL P, OIL T and CHT values show unusual jumps and are incostant"
Each time internet connection becomes available, it is possible to check for software updates.
To check for a software update:
•    Tap the SETUP button in the MAIN MENU
•    Select in the left column System Info
•    Tap the Check for Updates button
•    Tap on YES to download and install the update or
•    Tap on NO to stop the update
Once the software update will be completed, the unit will restart automatically.


Each time internet connection becomes available, it is possible to check for software updates.
To check for a software update:
•    Tap the SETUP button in the MAIN MENU
•    Select in the left column System Info
•    Tap the Check for Updates button
•    Tap on YES to download and install the update or
•    Tap on NO to stop the update
Once the software update will be completed, the unit will restart automatically.
To connect your device with the MyFarmnavigator portal, follow these steps:
       1.Turn ON the device
Open the “SETUP” page
       3.Select "WI-FI" and connect to a network

       4.Return to the main menu of the device
Open the “MyFarmnavigator” page
Log in with the same credentials with which you access the portal

Possible errors:
If an error occurs when connecting to the MyFarmnavigator portal on the G7/G12, check in the "WI-FI" section on the "SETUP" page that you are connected to an internet network.


 Each time internet connection becomes available, it is possible to check for software updates.
To check for a software update:
•    Tap the SETUP button in the MAIN MENU
•    Select in the left column System Info
•    Tap the Check for Updates button
•    Tap on YES to download and install the update or
•    Tap on NO to stop the update
Once the software update will be completed, the unit will restart automatically.
You can connect to the NTRIP client with only two models of GPS receivers, the ALL IN ONE RTK and TURTLE RTK, the difference between the two is that:
ALL IN ONE RTK -> It is not necessary to connect to WI-FI to connect to the NTRIP client because it is equipped with an internal SIM for the connection.
TURTLE RTK -> You need to connect to a WI-FI network to connect to the NTRIP client because it is NOT equipped with an internal SIM for the connection.

To connect to the NTRIP client, follow these steps:
        1.Turn on the device(G7/G12)
        2.Access the “SETUP” page
        3.In the “Satellites” page scroll down until you find the “NTRIP client” section
        4.Enter the data to connect to the NTRIP client
        5.Click on “Connect”
 FAQ test 1 - REPLY

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Los navegadores AvMap están garantizados 2 anos despues de la fecha de compra.


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para su producto AvMap:

1.   Registre su Navegador

2.   Lea la sección de preguntas frecuentes

3.  Si no encuentra la respuesta a su problema, entonces escríbanos rellenando el formulario de Assistencia en linea

4.   La asistencia al cliente le responderá proporcionandole las instrucciones y el número de teléfono de Call Center.

5.  Si el problema no se puede resolver por teléfono, usted recibirá por correo electrónico un código de reparación 'RMA' con todas las instrucciones para enviarnos su navegador para su reparación.