Farmnavigator Support

Farmnavigator Support

Guaranteed directly by AvMap staff  

customer support Farmnavigator

Customer Support

[email protected]

Phone +39 0585 784044



We value the relationship with our customers

Your feedback is very precious to us!

We manufacture our products in Europe, and we develop internally our software and applications, that’s why we can provide a fast and efficient support service, and that’s why our spare parts are always available

No external call centers, no blame game between companies, you can be assured the Customer support is guaranteed directly by AvMap staff.

Direct contact is very precious to us: in facts, thanks to our customer's suggestions and feedback we keep on improving our products in order to make them the easiest to use and most farmer-friendly solutions on the market. 


Farmnavigator Registration

Product Registration

Register your product to get a more effective assistance service and to get in direct contact with Farmnavigator manufacturers.

Register now

Farmnavigator request support


Request Support

Fill the troubleshooting form describing your problem to be contacted by our customer support.

Learn more

Farmnavigator warranty


All Farmnavigator products are guaranteed for 2 years after the purchase date.


Farmnavigator Software Update

Software Updates

Farmnavigator software keeps on improving: find the latest software updates here.
(WiFi products update automatically!)
G7 Farmnavigator (P3MJ510WAM)
G7 Ezy
G7 Plus / G7 Iso / G7 Iso VT (WiFi)
G7 Terminal (WiFi)
G12 Panorama
G7 Dataseed



Farmnavigator FAQ


Find all the answers to your doubts: choose your product and enter a keyword.

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Intelligent Agriculture for farms of all sizes.


by AvMap, the GPS pioneers.